
Wednesday Sep 14, 2011
Wednesday Sep 14, 2011
We pay tribute to the opposition in Israel who stand up to the insane policies of the Israeli government that are centered around their unwillingness to resolve the conflict with the Palestinians. The Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, has some strong words about the suicidal policies of the Israeli government. We focus on 6 stories, editorials and opinions from Haaretz. Of course, the United States suffers from a similar type of insanity... its serial wars syndrome.

Wednesday Sep 07, 2011
The World Is Rejecting Angry Evangelicalism and Christian Zionism
Wednesday Sep 07, 2011
Wednesday Sep 07, 2011
One of the largest groups who support wars in the Middle East to protect Israel are "Angry" Evangelicals sometimes known as Christian Zionists. WHTT Director, Thom Compton explains what "Angry" Evangelicalism is and how to combat it. The referenced email in the podcast, "The Internet Never Lies...But People Do or Why Some Christians Love to Hate Muslims" can be viewed at: http://www.whtt.org/images/PW-20090206-Internet-Never-Lies.pdf

Wednesday Aug 31, 2011
Challenging A Disciple of Angry Evangelical Preacher John Hagee
Wednesday Aug 31, 2011
Wednesday Aug 31, 2011
A successful We Hold These Truths' Project Strait Gate vigil was held in Fresno, CA to challenge the entrenched Christian Zionist dogma prevalent in so many evangelical Christian churches. We got some excellent news coverage from a local network TV station. Check it out: http://abclocal.go.com/kfsn/story?section=news/local&id=8329657
We, also, have a follow-up story to the 8/24/11 story about the IDF soldiers being killed on an Israeli bus with confirmation from a Haaretz story.
Wednesday Aug 24, 2011
Why Arabs From Egypt Attacked IDF Soldiers Riding On An Israeli Bus
Wednesday Aug 24, 2011
Wednesday Aug 24, 2011
Learn how Israeli propagandists transformed dead soldiers into civilians. In 2002 WHTT founder, Charles E. Carlson, road the same bus route in Israel where a bus was recently attacked near Eliat, Israel. Find out what he learned then that still is true today.

Wednesday Aug 17, 2011
The Outfit & The Money Trust
Wednesday Aug 17, 2011
Wednesday Aug 17, 2011
Are there people who pull the strings behind the scenes? Charles E. Carlson, founder of We Hold These Truths writes a letter to his "son" asking him if he will ignore, join in, or expose those people behind the scenes. Find out what the World Trade Center and The Federal Reserve System have in common in this thought provoking installment.
The links for the two videos mentioned in this podcast on the World Trade Center buildings can be found at: http://whtt.org/newwhtt/main.php?ncateid=1&nid=2605
Wednesday Aug 10, 2011
Standard & Poor's Down Rate & The Dollar Tsunami: The Scheme For World Currency
Wednesday Aug 10, 2011
Wednesday Aug 10, 2011
Is the down graded rating of US debt by Standard and Poor's a harbinger of the death knell of the American dollar? Put your thinking cap and join Charles E. Carlson in his analysis of "The Outfit" that controls our private central bank, The Federal Reserve System.

Thursday Aug 04, 2011
Anders Behrent Breivik & Michelle Bachmann Are Both Christian Zionists
Thursday Aug 04, 2011
Thursday Aug 04, 2011
Not very many Christian Zionists actually pulled the trigger and kill people directly like Anders Breivik did to 94 Norwegian Muslim children. The support of wars in places like Iraq and Afganhistan by many Christian Zionists is just as deadly. Charles E. Carlson, WHTT founder, lays it on the line about how un-Christlike, Angry Evangelicalism or Christian Zionism really is.

Wednesday Jul 27, 2011
Wednesday Jul 27, 2011
American taxpayers are paying to have the Department of Homeland Security hire frauds like Walid Shoebat, who claims to be a former Islamic terrorist, to train security officials. Shoebat was exposed as a fraud by the Jerusalem Post in 2008 and by WHTT. Recently, Anderson Cooper of CNN exposed Shoebat who is whipping up anti-Muslim hatred while claiming to be a Christian.

Wednesday Jul 13, 2011
Pew Poll Shows Evangelial, Christian Zionists' Rapture Quest Failing
Wednesday Jul 13, 2011
Wednesday Jul 13, 2011
Charles E. Carlson finds a glimmer of hope in the results of a recent Pew Poll of evangelical Christian leaders. According to Carlson, evangelical Christians, whether radical or moderate, fail to properly distinguish between the ancient tribe of Israelites and the modern day Jews living in Israel.

Wednesday Jul 06, 2011
Wednesday Jul 06, 2011
Charles E. Carlson puts forth a new theory on why so many evangelical Christians find it almost impossible to change their belief that the modern state of Israel is a fulfillment of God. Traditional Christians believe that Jesus is the fulfillment of God.

Wednesday Jun 15, 2011
Romans 13: The Neo-Christians Sorry Excuse for War: Part 2
Wednesday Jun 15, 2011
Wednesday Jun 15, 2011
Another term for Christian Zionism is Angry Evangelicalism. In addition to our Unheralded News items, we ad more thoughts on our Romans 13 discussion of 6/8/2011.

Wednesday Jun 08, 2011
Romans 13: The Neo-Christians Sorry Excuse for War: Part 1
Wednesday Jun 08, 2011
Wednesday Jun 08, 2011
Our Pharisee Watch installment looks at Romans 13 and how it is used by many Christians to justify wars like those in Iraq, Afghanistan and the subjugation of Palestinians under Israel. Chuck Carlson has some different thoughts on what Paul really meant.

Wednesday Jun 01, 2011
Are Israel & America Really Only One Party Democracies?
Wednesday Jun 01, 2011
Wednesday Jun 01, 2011
We discuss an opinion piece by Gideon Levy, an Israeli Jewish "Contrarian" in Haaretz. Behind Bernanke's Bunk About Bananas and Other Commodities and other financial news commentaries. And, other interesting Unheralded News.

Wednesday May 25, 2011
Challenging John Hagee & Angry Evangelicalsim (aka Christian Zionism)
Wednesday May 25, 2011
Wednesday May 25, 2011
Angry Evangelical, Christian Zionists like John Hagee of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio need to be challenged for their un-Christlike actions. Our hats off to members of Esperanza, a Hispanic group in Texas that challenged John Hagee.

Wednesday May 18, 2011
Nakba Day Executions & A Tribute to Students for Justice in Palestine
Wednesday May 18, 2011
Wednesday May 18, 2011
While Israeli Defense Forces killed 17 demonstrators and injured hundreds more during Nakba Day Commemorations in an around Isreal, Christian Zionist, Gary Bauer, shows his stripes when he wields his favorite description of Muslims" "islamofacists" in his blog about the events. Nakba Day remembers the displacement of the Palestinian people when Israel became a state in 1948. The Students for Justice in Palestine rightly contend that what is happening to the Palestinians in Israel is not about religion but about a restraint of human rights (and we would add, property rights) by Israel.

Wednesday May 11, 2011
The Bin Laden Execution; Fall of the Anti-Christian Empire
Wednesday May 11, 2011
Wednesday May 11, 2011
Many Americans and evangelical Christians are in denial of the fact that the U.S. is in its "Decline of Empire" stage. New evidence abounds every day.

Wednesday May 04, 2011
Judeo-Christians Were Zionists Before Israel Was A State
Wednesday May 04, 2011
Wednesday May 04, 2011
We start our podcast with an interview with Ron Hall from On The Warning Track (onthewarningtrack.podbean.com). Ron has been experiencing and studying evangelical Christianity for years and has applied the term "neo-Christianity" to what is happening on a large scale in the evangelical Christian churches in America. Then, we look at our Pharisee Watch of the Week.

Monday May 02, 2011
Malachi 1 (Part 1)
Monday May 02, 2011
Monday May 02, 2011
Mark Horton leads our study of the last book of the Old Testament that sets the stage for the coming of Jesus and the New Testament.

Monday May 02, 2011
Malachi 2: 1 to 3: 6 (Part 2)
Monday May 02, 2011
Monday May 02, 2011
Don't miss this study under the teaching of Mark Horton that includes a discussion of the tribe of Israel during the time of Malachi and what Christian Zionists (a subset of dispenstationalists) think about the inhabitants of the modern state of Israel. Find out what was missing in the second temple in Jerusalem during the time of Malachi that was present as was during the time of Solomon's Temple.

Monday May 02, 2011
Malachi 3: 1 to 4: 6 (Part 3)
Monday May 02, 2011
Monday May 02, 2011
Mark Horton finishes our study of Malachi. Be sure to listen to all 3 parts of the Malachi study before starting the Acts study.

Sunday May 01, 2011
John - Prologue (Part 1)
Sunday May 01, 2011
Sunday May 01, 2011
One of the first books of the New Testament to get published into a new language is the Book of John. Our investigation is led by Bible scholar, Mark Horton. In addition to looking into the book, as our study encounters points of interest along the way, we will analyze some of the beliefs held by dispensationalists (aka Christian Zionists, Judeo-Christians, Neo-Christians) and compare them to what Jesus taught. This study will help you understand why Christian Zionists have developed such a fixation on the modern State of Israel that it can even lead to little regard for fellow Christians who happen to be Palestinians.

Sunday May 01, 2011
John - Chapter 1: 1-13 (Part 2)
Sunday May 01, 2011
Sunday May 01, 2011
We start in the first chapter of John.

Sunday May 01, 2011
John 1: 14-18 (Part 3)
Sunday May 01, 2011
Sunday May 01, 2011
The "Word" to a first century Israelite was the law of Moses. Herod's temple was rebuilt and waiting for the return of God. The "New Temple" is Jesus.

Sunday May 01, 2011
John 1: 19-34 (Part 4)
Sunday May 01, 2011
Sunday May 01, 2011
We continue in our study of John with John, the Baptist declaring that "I am the 'the voice of one crying in the wildernes: 'Make traight the way of the Lord.'"

Sunday May 01, 2011
John 1: 34 - 2: 11 (Part 5)
Sunday May 01, 2011
Sunday May 01, 2011
This program was recorded after the "scheduled" end of the world according to Harold Camping. Our study leader, Mark Horton, makes some comments on the history of predicting the "Rapture" prior to our continuation of our study of the book of John.

Sunday May 01, 2011
John 2: 12- 3: 9 (Part 6)
Sunday May 01, 2011
Sunday May 01, 2011
Jesus drives the money changers and sacrificial animal purveyors out of the temple. An excellent explanation for this is presented. And, the house of God becomes the household of God after the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Sunday May 01, 2011
John 3: 10-36 (Part 7)
Sunday May 01, 2011
Sunday May 01, 2011
Mark Horton continues our investigation into the Book of John.

Sunday May 01, 2011
John 4: 1-26 (Part 8)
Sunday May 01, 2011
Sunday May 01, 2011
Jesus introduces the concept of "Living Water" in his interaction with the Samaritan woman at the well.

Sunday May 01, 2011
John 4: 27-54 (Part 9)
Sunday May 01, 2011
Sunday May 01, 2011
The book of John has been called the "Gospel of Fulfillment" because so many promises of God were completed. Many evangelical Christians today are fixating on future fulfillments. Jesus said, "My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to finish His work."

Sunday May 01, 2011
John 5: 1- 47 (Part 10)
Sunday May 01, 2011
Sunday May 01, 2011
In between the healing of the lame man by Jesus at the pool of Bethesda and the persecution of Jesus by the Judean leaders, Mark Horton discusses dispensationalism and preterism. Don't miss this.

Sunday May 01, 2011
John 6: 1-40 (Part 11)
Sunday May 01, 2011
Sunday May 01, 2011
Jesus feeds the 5,000 and walks on water and a whole lot of thoughtful insight in between in this podcast with Mark Horton leading.

Sunday May 01, 2011
John 6: 41 - 59 (Part 12)
Sunday May 01, 2011
Sunday May 01, 2011
Jesus tells us in this study that "No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him..."

Sunday May 01, 2011
John 6: 60 - 71 (Part 13)
Sunday May 01, 2011
Sunday May 01, 2011
In today's study we learn that many disciples of Jesus turned away. And, in the study, there is a lively conversation about the state of modern evangelical church.

Sunday May 01, 2011
John 7: 1-31 (Part 14)
Sunday May 01, 2011
Sunday May 01, 2011
Jesus' perfect timing is not altered by his brothers or the Judean leaders who want him arrested. Jesus avoids arrest knowing that the time of his is ultimate arrest is not yet come.

Sunday May 01, 2011
John 7: 32 - 8: 11 (Part 15)
Sunday May 01, 2011
Sunday May 01, 2011
Mark Horton continues with our study in the New Testament Book of John. Jesus contends with the Pharisees who were ready to take him.

Sunday May 01, 2011
John 8: 12 - 31 (Part 16)
Sunday May 01, 2011
Sunday May 01, 2011
In today's study Jesus declares, "Iam the light of the world. He who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but, have the light."

Sunday May 01, 2011
John 8: 31 - 59 (Part 17)
Sunday May 01, 2011
Sunday May 01, 2011
In today's study Jesus makes the bold claim to the Pharisees, "...before Abraham was, I AM." Jesus is the seed of Abraham not the modern state of Israel and its inhabitants.

Sunday May 01, 2011
John 9: 1 - 41 (Part 18)
Sunday May 01, 2011
Sunday May 01, 2011
Jesus heals the blind man. Included in our study is a fascinating account by Mark Horton about the pool of Siloam where the blind man washed off the clay applied by Jesus. Archaeological finds in the recent past bring new light on the pool of Siloam.

Sunday May 01, 2011
John 10: 1 -18 (Part 19)
Sunday May 01, 2011
Sunday May 01, 2011
Mark Horton starts are study of John 10 with the background from Ezekiel 34 that is the basis for Jesus' parable where he says "I am the Good Shepherd."

Sunday May 01, 2011
John 10: 19 - 42 (Part 20)
Sunday May 01, 2011
Sunday May 01, 2011
At the Feast of Dedication at the Temple in Solomon's porch, Jesus is challenged by the religous leaders who attempt to stone Him again.

Sunday May 01, 2011
John 11: 1 - 37 (Part 21)
Sunday May 01, 2011
Sunday May 01, 2011
Jesus raises Lazarus from death in this study of John led by Mark Horton.

Sunday May 01, 2011
John 11: 38 -53 (Part 22)
Sunday May 01, 2011
Sunday May 01, 2011
We study the story of Lazarus being raised from the dead by Jesus and the plot to kill Jesus.

Sunday May 01, 2011
John 11: 54 - 12: 19 (Part 23)
Sunday May 01, 2011
Sunday May 01, 2011
Our study includes the anointing of Jesus by Lazarus' sister, Mary, with very costly oil, spikenard. After a plot to kill Lazarus, Jesus makes triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

Sunday May 01, 2011
John 12: 20 - 30 (Part 24)
Sunday May 01, 2011
Sunday May 01, 2011
Following Jesus requires His followers to expand His kingdom here on earth. In this study of John, find out why followers of Christ should be taking action and not just sitting in pews in churches. Don't miss this lesson led by Mark Horton.

Sunday May 01, 2011
John 12: 12:37 - 13:11 (Part 25)
Sunday May 01, 2011
Sunday May 01, 2011
The prophecies of Isaiah about Jesus are covered in this lesson and the incident of Christ washing the disciples feet.

Sunday May 01, 2011
John 13: 10-38 (Part 26)
Sunday May 01, 2011
Sunday May 01, 2011
The spirit of Satan enters into Judas who betrays Jesus.

Sunday May 01, 2011
John 14: 1-17 (Part 27)
Sunday May 01, 2011
Sunday May 01, 2011
Find out how the Romans could afford to build the Colieseum. And, learn what it means to pray in the name of Jesus. We don't praying for war in the name of Jesus fits with the character of God.

Sunday May 01, 2011
John 15: 1 - 17 (Part 29)
Sunday May 01, 2011
Sunday May 01, 2011
Jesus reveals the relationship between believers and himself. Mark Horton stops to about Determinism (aka Calvinism) and Armenianism interpretations of the Bible.

Sunday May 01, 2011
John 15: 18 to 16: 11 (Part 30)
Sunday May 01, 2011
Sunday May 01, 2011
Jesus gives his final instructions to his disciples before his crucifixion. Jesus warns them that "If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you."

Sunday May 01, 2011
John 16: 12-24 (Part 31)
Sunday May 01, 2011
Sunday May 01, 2011
Jesus tells his disciples that there will be sorrow at his death but that "your sorrow will be turned into joy."