
Monday Dec 15, 2014
Corn For Food, Not Ethanol Fuel
Monday Dec 15, 2014
Monday Dec 15, 2014

This two minute video, produced by Corn For Food Not Fuel, explains how our nation's policy of burning corn in our gas tanks is causing an increase in the price of meat and poultry at the grocery store. And, the use of corn ethanol for fuel doesn't make sense for environmental reasons, either. For more detailed analysis on the ethanol issue check out these resources: 1. Articles by Chuck Carlson: Ethanol and Starvation; 2. Podcasts by Chuck Carlson: Ethanol; 3. "It's Final - Corn Ethanol Is of No Use," James Conca, Forbes, 4/20/2014

Wednesday Mar 09, 2011
Ethanol: It Makes No Sense For A Fuel Additive
Wednesday Mar 09, 2011
Wednesday Mar 09, 2011
Our special guest is Russell Walker, a Chemical Engineer who will discuss some easy to understand chemistry of ethanol and why it is a bad additive to gasoline.

Wednesday Mar 02, 2011
Ethanol Subsidy: An Engineered Food Monopoly, Part 5
Wednesday Mar 02, 2011
Wednesday Mar 02, 2011
Ethanol: Worth Less for Fuel, Trigger for World Food Revolts, Part V. Former President Bill Clinton has connected world famine to the US Ethanol Industry. We also discuss some of the science of burning ethanol, a very inefficient fuel.

Wednesday Feb 23, 2011
Ethanol Subsidy: An Engineered Food Monopoly, Part 4
Wednesday Feb 23, 2011
Wednesday Feb 23, 2011
Part 4 of our series is entitled "Tilting the supply curb to force grain and meat prices higher." The major media has, for the most part, ignored the man-made shortage of food caused by the United States.

Tuesday Jan 25, 2011
Ethanol Subsidy: An Engineered Food Monopoly, Parts 2 & 3
Tuesday Jan 25, 2011
Tuesday Jan 25, 2011
We continue with our discussions on the rise in food prices attributed to the ethanol subsidies.

Tuesday Jan 18, 2011
Ethanol Subsidy: An Engineered Food Monopoly, Part 1
Tuesday Jan 18, 2011
Tuesday Jan 18, 2011
On Dec 23, 2010, our Congress almost secretly and without significant news coverage, voted to continue subsidies to the ethanol and corn industry that gave the industry a 45-cent per gallon tax credit on every gallon of ethanol-blended gasoline and a 54-cent tariff on foreign ethanol. Find out why food prices are rising.