
Sunday Aug 12, 2012
Acts 2: 14-32 (Part 5)
Sunday Aug 12, 2012
Sunday Aug 12, 2012
In this lesson, Mark Horton explains how the prophets of the Old Testament predicted the end times and when they would occur.

Tuesday Aug 07, 2012
"Slum Dog" England & The 2012 Opening Olympics Ceremony
Tuesday Aug 07, 2012
Tuesday Aug 07, 2012
Filmmaker Danny Boyle of the UK has pulled a fast one, at least in the opinion of Chuck Carlson of We Hold These Truths. In 2004 Greece hosted the Olympics and is bankrupt. Is England headed for a similar fate only to be bailed out by the US. But who's going to bail the US out?

Sunday Aug 05, 2012
Acts 2: 14 - 18 (Part 4)
Sunday Aug 05, 2012
Sunday Aug 05, 2012
Our study in Acts includes an in-depth discussion about the regathering of physical Israel that took place in the First Century AD. Don't miss the very lively discussion on Scofield's notes in the Scofield Reference bible about the last days.

Tuesday Jul 31, 2012
Do Israel & The US Create Their Own Enemies?
Tuesday Jul 31, 2012
Tuesday Jul 31, 2012
In this podcast we discuss Chuck Carlson's article, "Bulgaria, the Arab Swede 'Terrorist' and Israel's call to bomb Iran. Right after the tragic killing of six Israeli tourists in Bulgaria, Israel's prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, put the blame on Iran without any proof.

Sunday Jul 29, 2012
Acts 2: 1-18 (Part 3)
Sunday Jul 29, 2012
Sunday Jul 29, 2012
The disciples of Jesus Christ are filled with the Holy Spirit.

Sunday Jul 22, 2012
Acts: 1: 12-26 (Part 2)
Sunday Jul 22, 2012
Sunday Jul 22, 2012
Today's study includes a discussion on whether the restoration of Israel has a literal or a spiritual connotation.

Tuesday Jul 17, 2012
Before Israel Was A State, Philip Mauro Had It Right
Tuesday Jul 17, 2012
Tuesday Jul 17, 2012
In 1927, Philip Mauro, a famous patent attorney (nevertheless, a devout follower of Christ), who's clients included Thomas Edison, wrote a powerful book, The Gospel of the Kingdom. This insightful book includes a devastating refutation of the Scofield Reference Bible. We Hold These Truths founder, Charles E. Carlson, says that reading The Gospel of the Kingdom was one of those rare "eureka" moments for him.

Sunday Jul 15, 2012
Acts Intro & Acts 1: 1-11 (Part 1)
Sunday Jul 15, 2012
Sunday Jul 15, 2012
Mark Horton starts our study with a thorough review of the book of Luke. This is a very thought provoking study. Find out what "the restoration of Israel" means.

Friday Jul 13, 2012
Conditioning Americans for War: To Believe Or Think?
Friday Jul 13, 2012
Friday Jul 13, 2012
Millions of Americans believe it's patriotic to support America's serial wars. And, tens of millions of American Christians believe that the United States must support Israel at all costs while ignoring what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians. This amazing, 29 minute documentary, Subconscious War demonstrates dramatically how we are slipping down the slippery slope from thinking for ourselves to believing what we're told.

Tuesday Jul 10, 2012
How Zionists Dominate the Debate & Opposition on the Israel-Palestine Issue
Tuesday Jul 10, 2012
Tuesday Jul 10, 2012
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in their recent, annual General Assembly narrowly defeated a resolution for divestment of investments in US companies doing business with Israel. Learn how groups like the ADL (Anti-Defamation League) and other Zionist organizations work to set the framework and control debates like the Israel-Palestine issue. Chuck Carlson of We Hold These Truths will explain, from personal experience, why Christian Zionists are sacrosanct to the supporters of Israel and how the Israeli lobby marginalizes the opposition with actions, not only emanating from national organizations like the ADL, but, also, from allies at the local level. Here's the link to Chuck Carlson's article mentioned in this podcast, How The ADL Controls Its Opposition and, also, The Anti-Defamation League Shelters Christian Zionism.

Tuesday Jul 03, 2012
Win One For Your Family: Help Kill The Farm Bill
Tuesday Jul 03, 2012
Tuesday Jul 03, 2012
The Congress of the United States has been a slave to the deep pockets of special interest lobbyists for years. The pending Farm Bill to extend subsidies on corn for ethanol production and guarantee rising food prices is a perfect example of a bill that needs to be defeated.

Tuesday Jun 26, 2012
Banks, Generals & Churches Are Stealing The Egyptian Revolution: Part 1
Tuesday Jun 26, 2012
Tuesday Jun 26, 2012

Tuesday Jun 12, 2012
We Have Failed Miserably for 15 Years, So Why Try Again?
Tuesday Jun 12, 2012
Tuesday Jun 12, 2012
Before We Hold These Truths was founded in 1996, Chuck Carlson wrote a letter in 1990 that he circulated in his church and among friends urging them not to support a war against Iraq. We at We Hold These Truths have not stopped any wars yet, but Chuck Carlson reminds us that in the battle for truth and justice, God does not charge us with winning only diligence.

Tuesday May 29, 2012
Is Congress Going To Continue to Increase Your Food and Fuel Costs?
Tuesday May 29, 2012
Tuesday May 29, 2012
Chuck Carlson revisits the farm bill and ethanol fuels mandates that will continue to drive up our food and fuel costs unless there is a consumer revolt.

Tuesday May 22, 2012
Israeli, Messianic Christian Zionists Attack Palestinian Christians
Tuesday May 22, 2012
Tuesday May 22, 2012
With only about 50,000 Palestinian Christians in the West Bank and Gaza, some Israeli, Messianic Jewish Christians want us to believe that Palestinian Christians are somehow a threat to the state of Israel. What they are really worried about is that millions of Christian Zionists in the U.S. might wake up to the injustices committed against all Palestinians, both Muslims and Christians, and choose compassion toward Palestinians rather than adhere to a blind faith toward the state of Israel. This is a fascinating report that covers the attack on the Christ At The Checkpoint conference held in Bethlehem, West Bank, Palestine in March, 2012. Originally, WHTT was invited to show our video, Christian Zionism: The Tragedy & The Turning, Part I at the conference but was dis-invited (due to Zionist pressure) and replaced with Israeli Messianic Jewish Christians addressing the conference who came back to bad mouth it.

Tuesday May 15, 2012
Is It a Bird? No! Is It A Plane? No, It's an Israeli Drone
Tuesday May 15, 2012
Tuesday May 15, 2012
We cover 4 items swirling around Israel. The U.S. House of Representatives voted 411 to 2 in favor of a "Let's Love Israel Even More" resolution (H.R. 4133 - "United States-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act of 2012") with further promises of armaments and fidelity. Then, we look into the dominance by Israel in the field of drones. Seems that Israel is now manufacturing drones in the US and has FAA clearance to fly them. How convenient for the U.S., since we are now seem to favor remote control killing with drones (a large number of the U.S. drones are controlled by the C.I.A. [Creating Insurgents Abroad - our suggested name change to comply with truth in advertising laws]). We Hold These Truths' Chuck Carlson heard all about Israeli drones back in 2002 when he visited Gaza where Israel was deploying them for surveillance.

Sunday May 13, 2012
Acts 23: Divide & Evangelize
Sunday May 13, 2012
Sunday May 13, 2012
Chuck Carlson leads a very interesting study in the twenty third chapter of the book of Acts where the apostle Paul masterfully divides the Pharisees and Sadducee while the Roman guard looks on. There are some excellent principles in this lesson for followers of Christ today.

Tuesday May 08, 2012
Financial Fracturing Around The World
Tuesday May 08, 2012
Tuesday May 08, 2012
From Federal Reserve System's Chairman Ben Bernanke telling the American people they "are prepared to do more" to recover the economy to the election results in France and Greece, Chuck Carlson talks about the financial crisis that is coming upon us. Take this podcast for a test drive. You'll find it most interesting.

Wednesday May 02, 2012
Operation Cast Lead: Israelis Remember the Brutality of the IDF
Wednesday May 02, 2012
Wednesday May 02, 2012
This is a follow-up story to last week's program about Operation Cast Lead. Two moving articles from the Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, fly in the face of the Israeli P.R. campaign to promote the IDF as the most "moral" army in the world.

Wednesday Apr 25, 2012
Operation Cast Lead: It's "Zionese" for Burning People
Wednesday Apr 25, 2012
Wednesday Apr 25, 2012
Palestinian child burned to death by the Israel Defense Force in Gaza, Jan., 2009.
Chuck Carlson introduces a new word to describe the unofficial spoken language of the State of Israel. Israel has used "Zionese" to defend its actions in Gaza in Dec., 2008. "Zionese" is the art of telling a story that most will reject but, by repeating it so often, many will believe it. Recently, Bob Simon of CBS 60 Minutes challenged "Zionese" in a most remarkable story, "Christians of the Holy Land." Mr. Simon interviewed Michael Oren, the Israeli Ambassador to the United States, who did not want the segment aired and demonstrated what 'Zionese"is all about.

Wednesday Apr 18, 2012
Focus On Israel: From Fytilla to the IDF Attack on A Tourist
Wednesday Apr 18, 2012
Wednesday Apr 18, 2012
No matter what Israel does to cover up its brutal occupation of Palestine, more people around the world are waking up to the realities of Israeli policies against the Palestinians that are ultimately damaging to Israel it self. We discuss the release of Palestinian prisoners held without charges who went on hunger strikes to the survey of Europeans about Israel to the IDF Lt. Colonel caught on film smashing his rifle into a Danish tourist who was only sorry because the incident was caught on film.

Wednesday Apr 11, 2012
Stealing Easter From Jesus: What's Going On?
Wednesday Apr 11, 2012
Wednesday Apr 11, 2012
We've had some excellent responses to Chuck Carlson's piece about how the Messianic Christian movement is smuggling Zionism into the mainline churches. In this program, Chuck introduces more thought provoking ideas about the move to dilute the messages of Jesus. And, we discuss some critical responses from our readers and listeners.

Friday Apr 06, 2012
The Judaizing Elements of the Messianic Movement
Friday Apr 06, 2012
Friday Apr 06, 2012
Christians are being hyped on the idea that Jesus was a Jew. In that effort, some Christians have gone over the edge in promoting "Juda-ishness." Cesar Ahron, a Jewish convert to Christianity, offers a constructive critique of the Messianic movement, which is made up largely of non-Jews acting out Judaism. This classic and timely interview was conducted by WHTT founder Chuck Carlson in 2000. Joining Cesar in this interview is his friend and fellow Jewish convert, Benzion Melechson.

Wednesday Apr 04, 2012
Two Seminary Professors Publish An Open Letter To Christian Zionists
Wednesday Apr 04, 2012
Wednesday Apr 04, 2012
Christian Zionists are being challenged. Maybe, not in torrents but in steady drips that are slowly waking people to the erroneous, religious concept that the modern state of Israel is entitled to a piece of land based on some people's interpretation of the Bible that God gave the land only to the Jews. Millions of Christian pilgrims visit Israel and remain ignorant of the plight of the Palestinians. We discuss how one pastor's eyes were opened by a Palestinian Christian pastor who was allowed to make a presentation to a group of American pastors who had just finished an eleven day tour through Israel. Don't miss this fascinating story.

Wednesday Mar 14, 2012
Netanyahu Gave Pres. Obama a Copy of the Book of Esther - Was That a Veiled Threat?
Wednesday Mar 14, 2012
Wednesday Mar 14, 2012
Don't miss this podcast about We Hold These Truths' vigil outside Washington, DC while the AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committe) convention was going on. We discuss the importance of the gift given to President Obama by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel. And, we look into that Jewish festival, Purim? Also, we discuss the Occupy AIPAC event that we participated in and that served as a counter balance to the heavy handed lobby for Israel, AIPAC.

Wednesday Mar 07, 2012
Zionism Is Racism? Obama: No - Rabbi Weiss: Yes
Wednesday Mar 07, 2012
Wednesday Mar 07, 2012
President Obama, in his speech to the AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) convention on March 4, 2012, in addition to all the groveling he did at the feet of AIPAC and Israel, made a curious statement that "...we will always reject the notion that Zionism is racism." Orthodox Jew, Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss does not agree. Rabbi Weiss and members of Neturei Karta were participating in the Occupy AIPAC counter-demonstration to the annual AIPAC' convention and gave this interview to WHTT. Occupy AIPAC is a coalition of over 350 organizations who oppose the drive by Israel to make war on Iran with the US backing it.

Wednesday Feb 22, 2012
Challenging A Christian Zionist Church & AIPAC in D.C.
Wednesday Feb 22, 2012
Wednesday Feb 22, 2012
We Hold These Truths founders Chuck Carlson and Tom Compton talk about the Occupy AIPAC protest in Washington, D.C. and a WHTT vigil to be held at a large Christian Zionist church in the D.C. area. Challenging Christian Zionists, who support wars in the Middle East to protect Israel, is just as important as challenging the very powerful, Israeli lobby, American Israel Public Affairs Committee, who is pressing the US to go to war against Iran.

Wednesday Feb 15, 2012
Wars Galore: Who Will Be First - Syria or Iran?
Wednesday Feb 15, 2012
Wednesday Feb 15, 2012
It looks like war against Iran may have to wait until after a war against Syria is started. Join Charles E. Carlson for our behind the headlines analysis of the events unfolding for another US war to spread "freedom" and "democracy." Yes, Martha, we do need to keep our military/industrial complex firing on all eight cylinders. After all, aren't wars good for the economy? Never mind what General Smedley Butler said, "War Is A Racket!"

Monday Feb 13, 2012
The Sunic Journal: Interview with Charles Carlson
Monday Feb 13, 2012
Monday Feb 13, 2012
We Hold These Truths' founder, Charles Carlson was interviewed by Tom Sunic on the Voice of Reason radio show, The Sunic Journal. This interview gives a history of We Hold These Truths and our mission to challenge and change Christian Zionists.

Wednesday Feb 01, 2012
War Drums Against Iran Continue
Wednesday Feb 01, 2012
Wednesday Feb 01, 2012
As Israel and the US beat the drums for war, we pause to discuss the detention of Palestinians in Gaza by Israel. Also, we stop and visit the good life being enjoyed by Federal Reserve System executives.

Wednesday Jan 25, 2012
From Palestine: Were Abraham, Isaac & Jacob Jews?
Wednesday Jan 25, 2012
Wednesday Jan 25, 2012
We review a comment about our YouTube video, "John Hagee with Benny Hinn: Praying for War In The Name of Jesus" that we received from a viewer in the Palestinian Territory. The piece includes some important points that show the Palestinian viewer understands what's going on. Also, this podcast includes an update on the ethanol saga and a look at the current rage to indoctrinate our police with anti-Muslim "training" videos. We discuss a New York Times article that reveals how some died-in-the-wool supporters of Israel did it with the New York City police department.

Wednesday Jan 18, 2012
The Palestinian Statehood Sham: The Donkey Heads To The Den of Vipers
Wednesday Jan 18, 2012
Wednesday Jan 18, 2012
In this podcast we are joined by poet, Jonathan Azaziah, who understands what's going on with the bid for Palestinian statehood. He reads his powerful poem. To understand the full meaning of Jonathan's poem be sure to look at the written version that has many hypertext links embedded in the poem that provide documentation. For background on the Palestinian statehood issue be sure to listen to Chuck Carlson's podcast, "Abbas & Palestine Statehood - A Scheme for the Status Quo." "To smile when confronted with the most severe oppression, is an act of Resistance rooted in uparalleded beauty." ~ Jonathan Azaziah

Wednesday Jan 11, 2012
WHTT YouTube Video on Hagee-Hinn War Prayer Goes Viral
Wednesday Jan 11, 2012
Wednesday Jan 11, 2012
Our YouTube video, "John Hagee with Benny Hinn: Praying For War In The Name of Jesus" has had over 15,000 views during the first week. On this podcast we talked about the video and the waves it has caused. We also revisit the ethanol subsidy and its demise, for now.

Wednesday Jan 04, 2012
Try Peace For A Change
Wednesday Jan 04, 2012
Wednesday Jan 04, 2012
The United States has a war based economy that appears to any honest observer to favor war over negotiations. We think there is a better way.

Tuesday Jan 03, 2012
John Hagee with Benny Hinn: Praying for War in the Name of Jesus
Tuesday Jan 03, 2012
Tuesday Jan 03, 2012
Over 40,000,000 American Christians are influenced by what we call, "Angry Evangelicalism," better known as Christian Zionism. Christian Zionists like John Hagee and Benny Hinn wear a mantle of righteousness but often ignore the teachings of Jesus and invoke their will in the name of Jesus, ignoring declarations of Jesus like..."Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God," "Love your neighbor as yourself" and, even "Love your enemy." No wonder so many people dislike and loathe Christians. Show this 4 minute video to your Christian Zionist relatives and friends and ask them "Who Would Jesus Bomb?" Just to prove to yourself that things have not changed much in over a hundred years, watch the video production of Mark Twain's "War Prayer."

Wednesday Dec 21, 2011
Combating Christian Zionism In Palestine
Wednesday Dec 21, 2011
Wednesday Dec 21, 2011
Palestinian Christians know how un-Christ-like and hurtful the beliefs of Christian Zionists are. In this podcast we talk about the upcoming Christ At The Checkpoint conference in Bethlehem, Palestine on March 5-9, 2012 and play a recording of Dr. Alex Awad of Bethlehem Bible Collge at the 2010 Christ At The Checkpoint conference, entitled, "Palestinian Christians In The Shadow of Christian Zionists." To view video highlights of the 2010 conference go to: Combating Christian Zionism In Palestine.

Wednesday Dec 14, 2011
Haaretz: In Israel, The Life of Palestinians Is Cheap
Wednesday Dec 14, 2011
Wednesday Dec 14, 2011
We discuss some interesting stories in Israel that are ignored in the U.S. The Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, points out that..."When it comes to shooting a Palestinian, pulling the trigger does not come with a real fear of having to answer to the law." In another story, we learn that some Israelis are concerned about the welfare of Palestinians but Israeli bureaucrats are curtailing a program run by the Perez Center for Peace, a non-profit organization. In another story we talk about Israeli settlers in the West Bank of Palestine that attacked an IDF post.

Wednesday Dec 07, 2011
Anders Brevik Declared Insane: Who Is Guilty?
Wednesday Dec 07, 2011
Wednesday Dec 07, 2011
Anders Breivik killed 74 of his fellow Norwegians who supported the rights of Palestinians. In his 1500 page manifesto, Breivik wrote that he admired such radical anti-islamists as Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer and others who fan hate against Muslims through their writings and seminars. Chuck Carlson asks the question, "Should a class-action suit by the parents of the slain, young people be filled against those persons who inspired Breivik to murder them?"

Wednesday Nov 30, 2011
64th Anniversary in Palestine: War, Ethnic Cleansing Unleashed
Wednesday Nov 30, 2011
Wednesday Nov 30, 2011
We pause to remember and retell the history about Palestine. In 1947, the UN partitioned Palestine into two states, one for Jews and the other for Palestinians. From that time, Zionists worked murderously to get rid of the indigenous people living in Palestine. Today, in Israel, we have witnessed a 64 year military occupation. At the end of our story we relate how this occupation can be ended by getting Christian Zionists, one at a time, to show the love of Christ toward Palestinians instead of demanding that they leave their homeland because God "gave the land of Israel to the Jews."

Saturday Nov 26, 2011
Cracks In The Christian Zionism Armor?
Saturday Nov 26, 2011
Saturday Nov 26, 2011
According to Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, in a letter to supporters, dated 11/17/2011, he writes: "A disturbing movement is making inroads in the evangelical Christian world. A recent op-ed in theJerusalem Post summed it up: 'Evangelical and conservative Christians — Israel's most important allies — are increasingly targeted for conversion from Christian Zionism to Christian Palestinianism'.” We can only hope it's true. We discuss this and other vital topics from rising food prices due to extending ethanol subsidies to sanctions on Iran. There's a lot of food for thought in this podcast.

Wednesday Nov 23, 2011
Islamophobia: Angry Evangelicals On the Warpath Against Muslims
Wednesday Nov 23, 2011
Wednesday Nov 23, 2011
We Hold These Truths founder and chief messenger, Charles E Carlson, challenged some angry evangelicals in Tennessee who hosted an anti-Islamic, "Hate Fest" at the church of Rev. Maury Davis, a convicted murderer. These anti-Islamic events, being conducted around the US, have become popular among angry evangelicals (aka Christian Zionists). This is an amazing story of the "Anti-Shariah" Seminar attended and reported by WHTT friend, Keith Johnson, and, the vigil held in front of the Cornerstone Church in Madison, TN on the Sunday after the seminar. During the vigil, Rev. Davis came out of his church to challenge Chuck Carlson (see Chuck's letter to Rev. Davis sent before the vigil). The vigil was reported in The Tennessean, "Anti-Shariah conference at Madison church spurs vigil." This podcast interview is exerpted from Mark Glenn's TheUglyTruth podcast of Nov. 17, 2011 (whole program). To understand the context of the whole issue, be sure to watch the 25 min. documentary, Not Welcome or the CNN, 44 min. documentary, Unwelcome: The Muslims Next Door about the attack on Muslims in Murfeesboro, TN who wanted to build an new Islamic Center, even though they have had a small mosque there for 30 years.

Thursday Nov 17, 2011
Solidarity Palestine Meets Occupy Phoenix
Thursday Nov 17, 2011
Thursday Nov 17, 2011
In an act of civil disobedience, 6 Palestinians were arrested in the West Bank when they tried to ride a "public" bus for Israeli settlers only. A solidarity rally was held in Phoenix, AZ in front of City Hall and across the street from the Occupy Phoenix encampment. The Arizona contingency of We Hold These Truths joined the rally. We talked with at least 5 Occupiers who were in sympathy with our message. One occupier even held one of our signs, "No More Wars For Israel." To read about the Palestinian Freedom Riders go to: "The Freedom Riders of Bus 148" Also, an excellent video about freedom riders, then and now: Palestine Freedom Riders. And, here's a report on the Palestinian Freedom Riders from Australian national TV, not like the U.S. where the event was ignored by the major media: Palestinian 'freedom riders' in West Bank protest

Wednesday Nov 09, 2011
The Four "I"s: Islamaphobia, Israel, Iran & Insanity
Wednesday Nov 09, 2011
Wednesday Nov 09, 2011
As the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are winding down with less than a hundred years more of occupation to go, the US needs another war to keep the military/industrial complex machinery well oiled and perking along. With war drums against Iran being beaten by the US and Israel, coupled with a frenzy of Islamaphobia, we look at what appears to be rampant insanity. Or, is it? Israeli, Gideon Levy, in the Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, talks about the insanity of Israeli leaders who are pushing them towards a war with Iran. In this podcast, also, find out about a convicted murderer (see: "A Grieving Son Finds No Justice On Rev. Maury Davis' Path To Redemption"), turned pastor who is sponsoring another hate fest against Muslims at his church. Charles E. Carlson, WHTT founder is not only speaking out against such actions, he is leading a Project Strait Gate vigil to challenge this church in Nashville, Tennessee.

Wednesday Oct 26, 2011
Wednesday Oct 26, 2011
Do Angry Evangelicals and Christian Zionists constitute a new Christian cult? Charles E. Carlson makes some startling conclusions from the last We Hold These Truths' Project Strait Gate vigil held in front of a John Hagee, Night to Honor Israel fund raising event in Colorado for CUFI (Christians United For Israel). Hagee is a self-proclaimed Christian Zionist and supporter of any war to protect Israel, including starting a new one against Iran. Also, we talk about Rev. Alex Awad, a Palestinian Christian pastor along with his fellow Christians in the West Bank of Palestine, who suffer because of the aberrant behavior of Christian Zionists, primarily in the United States.

Wednesday Oct 19, 2011
Wednesday Oct 19, 2011
Charles E. Carlson of We Hold These Truths has dared to go where no others have...connecting a U.S. State Department cable from March, 2009 released by Wikileaks to the U.S. efforts to start a war with Iran based on a suspicious plot by people, supposedly under the control of Iran, to kill a Saudi Arabian envoy in the U.S. This needs to be heard far and wide so we aren't tricked into another war like we were in Iraq with bogus reports of Iraq having weapons of mass destruction. Chuck's written report can be found at: http://whtt.org/newwhtt/main.php?nid=10061&ncateid=1
Also, we have a report by Professor Rob Prince of the Front Range Jewish Voice For Peace about his experience at a recent Project Strait Gate vigil to protest the appearance of John Hagee of Christians United for Israel at a local Denver, CO church.
Monday Oct 17, 2011
The Roots of Christian Zionism: How Scofield Sowed Seeds of Apostasy
Monday Oct 17, 2011
Monday Oct 17, 2011
We Hold These Truths has released our first documentary on Christian Zionism for free viewing on the internet. This is a must see to understand the nature of a branch of Christianity that puts Israel ahead of Jesus. Ever wonder why so many Christians support America’s many wars, especially in the Middle East? A new Christianity has emerged from the Twentieth Century called Christian Zionism or what could be called, "Angry Evangelicalism," or "Dispensationalism on Steroids." What motivates a nationally known, evangelical preacher like John Hagee to call for a preemptive strike against Iran when it is contrary to what Jesus taught and commanded his followers to do? This “Roots of Zionism” presentation may be the first of its kind with a factual explanation of how Christianity’s latest apostate epidemic was launched with the publishing of C. I. Scofield's reference Bible in 1909, and the influence of the notes in it.

Wednesday Oct 12, 2011
A Street Challenge At Churches That Support Zionism
Wednesday Oct 12, 2011
Wednesday Oct 12, 2011
Charles E Carlson of We Hold These Truths thinks a movement similar to Occupy Wall Street is needed in front of evangelical churches all across the US that support wars in the Middle East to protect Israel.

Wednesday Oct 05, 2011
The Peasants Are Revolting Here and There
Wednesday Oct 05, 2011
Wednesday Oct 05, 2011
The average American's earning power is being eroded by government induced inflationary policies. And, a falling job market and a rise in the number of Americans living under the poverty level is generating discontent around the United States. Add to that the bailout of the banksters by the US government... no wonder movements like Occupy Wall Street are spreading across the country. We also talk about the withholding of American aid to Palestine because of the UN bid for statehood. This aid is less than one sixth the level given to Israel

Tuesday Sep 27, 2011
Abbas and Palestine Statehood - A Scheme For The Status Quo
Tuesday Sep 27, 2011
Tuesday Sep 27, 2011
Charles E Carlson, founder of We Hold These Truths looks behind the scenes of the recent application for statehood recognition in the United Nations by the unelected leader of Palestine. In this podcast we also discuss another evangelical Christian author and lecturer, Carl Medaris, who has castigated Christian Zionism that infects evangelical Christian churches.

Wednesday Sep 21, 2011
Angry Evangelicals and Christian Zionists Are Cheerleaders For War
Wednesday Sep 21, 2011
Wednesday Sep 21, 2011
We look at US presidential candidates in this podcast. Rick Perry, governor of Texas, is called a Likudnik by the Israeli newspaper, Haaretz. Find out what this means. Former 2008 presidential candidate, Chuck Baldwin, an evangelical pastor says that there are many "Cheerleaders for War" in the ranks of evangelicals from the top down. Find out how these evangelicals give Christianity a bad rap.