
Tuesday Jun 25, 2013
It's Official: John Hagee and CUFI Don't Like WHTT Vigils
Tuesday Jun 25, 2013
Tuesday Jun 25, 2013

Tuesday Jun 11, 2013
Tuesday Jun 11, 2013

Tuesday May 28, 2013
Christian Zionism The World's Most Urgent Mission Field
Tuesday May 28, 2013
Tuesday May 28, 2013
Mainline Christians are beginning to realize that “Christian Zionism” is a misnomer, a sort of faith based oxymoron, an impossibility to those who follow Christ. As of yet, we do not know of a denomination that has declared the Zionist leaning church down the street to be an open mission field, but they should. If “Christian Zionism” cannot be said to be a denomination, an offshoot, branch, or subset, it must then be about world politics, a radical departure from following Christ that is better described as “Israel following.”

Sunday May 26, 2013
Acts 13: 13 - 37 (Part 23)
Sunday May 26, 2013
Sunday May 26, 2013
Paul preaches to the synagogue of Antioch that Jesus is the extension of David's lineage that was fulfilled after the resurrection of Jesus.

Sunday May 19, 2013
Acts 12: 25 - 13: 1-12 (Part 22)
Sunday May 19, 2013
Sunday May 19, 2013
Barnabas and Saul are sent out from Antioch to preach by the Holy Spirit. Don't miss the very interesting discussion on the Holy Spirit that our study leader, Mark Horton, reveals.

Tuesday May 14, 2013
Israel Invades The US To Sell Securities
Tuesday May 14, 2013
Tuesday May 14, 2013
Almost half of the states in the US have approved the purchasing of Israeli securities that ultimately allows Israel to keep their war machine marching on. In this podcast we talk about two efforts to challenge the Israeli lobby. First we go to Texas where a group of Texans challenged the Texas-Israel Day held in Austin, Texas. Then we go to Colorado and discuss Chuck Carlson's letter to the governor of Colorado about the recent legislation passed allowing the purchase of Israeli bonds by the state. Chuck discusses the hidden financial dangers for investors when buying Israeli securities.

Sunday May 12, 2013
Acts 12: 1 - 24 (Part 21)
Sunday May 12, 2013
Sunday May 12, 2013
The body of Christ continues to grow after Peter is divinely released from prison. Our study guide, Mark Horton, has some interesting questions posed in this session that he answers with clarity.

Tuesday May 07, 2013
What Went On Inside A John Hagee CUFI Event In California
Tuesday May 07, 2013
Tuesday May 07, 2013
Thanks to WHTT's newest vigil veteran, Craig Hanson, a former Christian Zionist, we have a very clear account of what goes on at a Christians United For Israel event. While other members of the WHTT vigil team held signs like "Who Would Jesus Bomb?" and "Choose Life Not War" and "Blessed Are The Peacemakers" outside the Abundant Life Fellowship church in Roseville, CA, Craig went in to find out what was said. His report is eye opening. In response to our sign "Who Would Jesus Bomb?," the CUFI director said that Jesus would bomb...you'll have to listen to find out what he said. Check out the flier, handed out at the vigils, that is mentioned in the program.

Tuesday Apr 23, 2013
Getting Ready For A Vigil To Challenge A John Hagee CUFI Event
Tuesday Apr 23, 2013
Tuesday Apr 23, 2013
We were inspired by one of our listeners who wanted to attend a vigil at a Christians United For Israel event near his home. In this program we talk about what is needed to do a vigil at a Christian Zionist church. One of the main things to be done is to send a letter to the pastor of the church to let him know why we have chosen his church. After listening to this program, be sure to get the rest of the story as told after the vigil in "What Went On Inside a John Hagee CUFI Event in California."

Monday Apr 22, 2013
Monday Apr 22, 2013
Monday Apr 22, 2013
Normally vigils by We Hold These Truths, conducted in front of Christian Zionist churches or events, are ignored by the media. In the case of a vigil in Fresno, CA conducted by David Jacobs, Pastor Jim Franklin of the Cornerstone Church in downtown Fresno was so upset by the presence of WHTT and our controversial signs like Blessed Are The Peacemakers, Choose Life Not War and Who Would Jesus Bomb? (a new version of this is: Who Would Jesus Drone?, a corollary to the well known WWJD? (What Would Jesus Do?), that he called out the media. Mr. Franklin has a local talk show and must have some clout because one of the local stations, KFSN (channel 30), an ABC affiliate showed up and did an excellent and fair job of reporting our vigil. It's only just over a minute but packs a punch. Pastor Jim Franklin has hosted a number of events for John Hagee and CUFI (Christians United For Israel) at his church that bares the same name as John Hagee's home church, Cornerstone Church, in San Antonio, TX.

Sunday Apr 21, 2013
WHTT Objects To Killing Innocent Children With Drones
Sunday Apr 21, 2013
Sunday Apr 21, 2013
WHTT joined Cindy Sheehan at her Tour de Peace stop in Phoenix to protest the use of drones by President Obama, that has resulted in the death of many innocent children in countries like Pakistan and Yemen. The death of Cindy's son, Casey, in Iraq, emboldened her to become an anti-war activist. We Hold These Truths member Leslie Fort (at left in picture) helped read the names of the innocent children killed by drones in front of Senator John McCain's Phoenix office. Travis Steel, a WHTT director holds the "Who Would Jesus Bomb...or Drone?" sign on the right. This video is one of Cindy Sheehan's travel logs made along her journey from California to Washington, DC via bicycle.

Tuesday Apr 16, 2013
C I Scofield: God Father of Christian Zionism
Tuesday Apr 16, 2013
Tuesday Apr 16, 2013
The Concise Dictionary of Christianity observes that "Scofield's influence on the evangelical/fundamentalist movement of the early twentieth century was enormous." And, we would add, devastating. In this podcast we review a new book, The Praise of Folly: The Enigmatic Life & Theology of C.I. Scofield by David Lutzweiler. A vicious attack on Lutzweiler and his book by the senior pastor of The Scofield Memorial Church prompted us to look a little deeper and review the new facts, uncovered by Lutzweiler, that cast more shadows on Scofield, the man and his theology.

Tuesday Apr 09, 2013
The Gatekeepers In Israel and Elsewhere
Tuesday Apr 09, 2013
Tuesday Apr 09, 2013
The Gatekeepers is a hard hitting and damning documentary about the workings of the Israeli Shin Bet secret security service made by Israeli filmmaker Dror Moreh. Six former heads of Shin Bet reveal the inner workings of how they deal with the "Palestinian Problem." To a man, they say that Israel is doing to the Palestinians is not working. We discuss the movie based on a review in The Guardian, a UK paper. Find out what gate keeping means how it is used outside Israel to control and neutralize opposition to Zionist agenda.

Tuesday Mar 26, 2013
A Small Country Big Trouble, Not Cyprus, Israel
Tuesday Mar 26, 2013
Tuesday Mar 26, 2013
A short distance to the east of Cyprus, experiencing major economic woes, lies Israel where it is business as usual. Israel was just honored by a visit from the U.S. President; Israel’s secretly indebted banking system funds a militarist economy that boasts of power but leaks at every seam. It is the consummate actor, feigning prosperity while it hovers on the brink of national financial suicide. This is an update to Chuck Carlson's investigations into US dollar denominated, Israeli bonds.

Tuesday Mar 19, 2013
Polling Americans About Israel & Palestine
Tuesday Mar 19, 2013
Tuesday Mar 19, 2013
According to a recent ABC News/Washington Post poll: "Among religious groups, sympathy for Israel peaks, at 76%, among evangelical white Protestants [Christian Zionist influenced]. Chuck Carlson discusses how this poll and others are skewed to favor Israel.

Sunday Mar 17, 2013
Acts 11: 1 - 30 (Part 20)
Sunday Mar 17, 2013
Sunday Mar 17, 2013
Peter defends his ministry to the uncircumcised gentiles.

Wednesday Mar 06, 2013
New Laws Allow States To Buy Israeli Issued US Securities
Wednesday Mar 06, 2013
Wednesday Mar 06, 2013
A history of two destroyed currencies might well have precluded Israel from selling its own shekel bonds. So, back at the turn of the 21st century, it seems to have invented a counterfeiting scheme to sell U.S. bonds to Americans. It now issues bonds in America, payable in dollars, not shekels. This is a follow-up story to Chuck Carlson's ground breaking story, "Devaluation Risk of Shekel Bonds."

Wednesday Feb 27, 2013
Devaluation Risk of Shekel Bonds
Wednesday Feb 27, 2013
Wednesday Feb 27, 2013
Find out what's behind the move to introduce legislation in states and cities across the US to allow the investment of public funds in "debt obligations backed by the full faith and credit of the State of Israel." Chuck Carlson and others in Colorado are challenging legislation being introduced to buy Israeli bonds. Chuck has found out there is a dark and down side to such investments.

Sunday Feb 24, 2013
Acts 10: 1-48 (Part 19)
Sunday Feb 24, 2013
Sunday Feb 24, 2013
God commands Simon Peter to accept gentiles as equals to Judeans who became followers of Christ.

Wednesday Feb 13, 2013
Who Would Jesus Drone?
Wednesday Feb 13, 2013
Wednesday Feb 13, 2013

Saturday Feb 02, 2013
Acts 9: 19-43 (Part 18)
Saturday Feb 02, 2013
Saturday Feb 02, 2013
Saul starts preaching in Damascus, right after his conversion, that Jesus is the Messiah prophesied by the Israelite prophets of old.

Saturday Feb 02, 2013
What If Israeli Youth Decide To End Israel's Occupation of Palestine
Saturday Feb 02, 2013
Saturday Feb 02, 2013
Israeli filmmaker, Guy Davidi teamed up with Palestinian farmer, Emad Burnat, to create a documentary, 5 Broken Cameras, that has been nominated for an Academy Award for "Best Documentary." It tells the story of the non-violent protests conducted, over seven years, by a West Bank village, Bil'in (surrounded by illegal Israeli settlements) in an effort to stop the confiscation of Palestinian lands by Israel. The Israeli Ministry of Education has banned the showing of the film in schools, although it has been aired on two Israeli documentary channels and shown at theaters. This short video shows the reaction to a film showing to a group of Israeli students. Watch this and you will be amazed at the hope that this film could generate on both sides of the conflict. We've seen 5 Broken Cameras and it is very powerful and moving.

Tuesday Jan 29, 2013
When the Israel Lobby Says Jump, Christians Zionists Say, How High?
Tuesday Jan 29, 2013
Tuesday Jan 29, 2013
The nomination of former Senator Chuck Hagel by President Obama, to be the new Secretary of Defense, is causing a stir among neo-cons, the Israeli lobby and Christian Zionists. Whatever the outcome of this round of politics, this broadcast reveals some constants that never change.

Sunday Jan 27, 2013
Acts 9: 1-19 (Part 17)
Sunday Jan 27, 2013
Sunday Jan 27, 2013
On the road to Damascus, Saul, the Judean who had been persecuting the followers of Christ, is visited by Jesus with a life-changing outcome for Saul, who became known as Paul. This is a very interesting study by Mark Horton. Be sure to check out, in detail, the fascinating timeline picture (it happens to be on a grave marker) Mark refers to it in the study.

Tuesday Jan 15, 2013
For Critics of Israel: Shoot the Messenger, Ignore the Message
Tuesday Jan 15, 2013
Tuesday Jan 15, 2013
Rev. Stephen Sizer, an Anglican vicar from the UK has written and spoken widely on the phenomena of Christian Zionism. When he was recently attacked by Zionists in the UK for exposing Israel's mistreatment of Palestinian children (see, Child Abuse: Palestinian Children in Israeli Prisons), it was no surprise that the standard pejorative of calling him "anti-semitic" was invoked. Fortunately, a UK group, Jews For Justice for Palestine, has come to Rev. Sizer's defense. In this podcast, we also take a look at attacks by Christian Zionists upon Christians who object to the unfair treatment of Palestinians by Israel.

Sunday Jan 13, 2013
Acts 8: 25-40 (Part 16)
Sunday Jan 13, 2013
Sunday Jan 13, 2013
By a divine appointment, the apostle Philip meets a high ranking, Ethiopian eunuch returning from a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Mark Horton delves into the background in Isaiah where this event was foretold.

Sunday Jan 06, 2013
Acts 7: 54 - 8: 24 (Part 15)
Sunday Jan 06, 2013
Sunday Jan 06, 2013
The neo-Pharisees stones the apostle Stephen to death and Saul starts the followers of Christ.

Tuesday Jan 01, 2013
Bring On The Fiscal Cliff!
Tuesday Jan 01, 2013
Tuesday Jan 01, 2013
Regardless of what President Obama or the Congress does about the fiscal cliff, Americans' standard of living and savings will continue to slide because our leaders will only make band aid fixes to our war based economy.

Sunday Dec 30, 2012
Acts 7: 30-53 (Part 14)
Sunday Dec 30, 2012
Sunday Dec 30, 2012
In his case delivered to the council of Jerusalem, Stephen argues that the temple was not to be a permanent structure because it was being replaced by Jesus.

Tuesday Dec 18, 2012
Selective Weeping For Senseless Slaughter
Tuesday Dec 18, 2012
Tuesday Dec 18, 2012
Another tragic killing spree has occurred in the U.S. In Newtown, Connecticut, Adam Lanza, a disturbed young man, murdered 20 young, innocent children and six adults. While President Obama publicly wept for the victims, we note his selective weeping. Where was the remorse for the innocent children (over 300) killed by the vicious attacks by Israel on Gaza in 2008 and 2012? And, what about the innocent children killed in Pakistan by the President's "precision" drone strikes in Pakistan and elsewhere?

Sunday Dec 16, 2012
Acts 7: 1-29 (Part 13)
Sunday Dec 16, 2012
Sunday Dec 16, 2012
Mark Horton discusses the "Four 'P's' of the book of Acts": Power, Preaching, Persecution, and Parousia. Stephen "preaches" to the council.

Tuesday Dec 11, 2012
End Times Prophets For Profits: Please Do Your Homework!
Tuesday Dec 11, 2012
Tuesday Dec 11, 2012
There's gold in those end times predictions. "End of the World" prophesies are a hallmark of the Judeo-Christian movement, lately called Christian Zionism. The latest prognosticator, is F. Kenton Beshore, President of the World Bible Society. He thinks Hal Lindsey, the author of the widely successful, end times, prophecy book, The Late Great Planet Earth, written in the 1970's, is right, but his date for Armageddon is off a few years. Pivotal to the end timers' end time beliefs is the founding of the modern state of Israel. Chuck Carlson takes a look behind the curtain.

Sunday Dec 09, 2012
Acts 6: 1 - 15 (Part 12)
Sunday Dec 09, 2012
Sunday Dec 09, 2012
The apostle Stephen, who performed great wonders and signs, in the name of Jesus, among the Judeans, is brought to the Council of Jerusalem and charged with blasphemy by false witnesses.

Tuesday Dec 04, 2012
Still More Blood on Judeo-Christians' Hands
Tuesday Dec 04, 2012
Tuesday Dec 04, 2012
Why Home Schooler attacked YWAM at Faith Bible Chapel, & Ted Haggard’s New Life Church
Chuck Carlson revisits an article he wrote in 2008, after the killing of four young Christians in Colorado by Matthew Murray, a product of a Judeo-Christian home. Murray's tragic story shows how Judeo-Christianity (what we now refer to as Christian Zionism, is alienating youth. This a very thought provoking program that you'll want to pass on to others. For more details, you can read the original 2008 article, Behind Matthew Murray’s Church Executions: More Blood on Judeo-Christian Hands.

Tuesday Nov 27, 2012
Evaluating the US Reaction & Performance Toward the Israeli Assault on Gaza
Tuesday Nov 27, 2012
Tuesday Nov 27, 2012
Chuck Carlson analyzes the predictable endorsement by President Obama to Israel's "war of defense" against Gaza. Evidence shows that this latest round of destruction was started by Israel with the US media and the government unequivocally taking the side of Israel, claiming Hamas was the culprit. We include in our podcast an excellent analysis of the situation in Gaza and Palestine by the Jewish Voice for Peace group.

Sunday Nov 25, 2012
Acts 5: 12 - 42 (Part 11)
Sunday Nov 25, 2012
Sunday Nov 25, 2012
Learn how the book of Acts is a message of victory and not of defeat in Jesus Christ from our teacher, Mark Horton.

Tuesday Nov 06, 2012
Tuesday Nov 06, 2012
We review a bold letter sent by 15 leaders from mainline Christian Churches to members of Congress. The signers see a troubling and consistent pattern of disregard by the government of Israel for U.S. policies that support a just and lasting peace, particularly unbridled settlement construction in the West Bank. Chuck Carlson reviews the Zionist attacks against these church leaders.

Tuesday Nov 06, 2012
All That Glitters Isn't Gold
Tuesday Nov 06, 2012
Tuesday Nov 06, 2012
Is the revolution in Syria a golden one? Or how about the discovery of all those gold bars that are mostly tungsten? Join Chuck Carlson for another look behind the scenes of events shaping our world.

Tuesday Oct 23, 2012
US Presidential Foreign Affairs "Debate" - Buying Christian Zionists' Votes?
Tuesday Oct 23, 2012
Tuesday Oct 23, 2012
Chuck Carlson posed this question after watching the final debate between President Obama and Republican Presidential challenger, Mitt Romney: "Could all the pandering to the state of Israel by both candidates be attributed to their desire to capture Christian Zionist (Christian right) votes?" After all, they do represent 30 to 40 million potential votes. Warning: Die Hard Republicans or Democrats may be offended by this podcast!

Tuesday Oct 16, 2012
The Quest To Induce The Second Coming of Jesus
Tuesday Oct 16, 2012
Tuesday Oct 16, 2012
We discuss an opinion piece by Dr. Tristan Sturm that was published in the Jerusalem Post but was removed shortly after posting. The byline to the piece is: "Christian Zionists Support Israel's Risky Policy Decisions." Zionists do not want to disturb their "sleeping giant" supporters who mainly reside in the U.S. Find out why in this podcast with Chuck Carlson.

Sunday Oct 07, 2012
Acts 4: 23 - 5: 11 (Part 10)
Sunday Oct 07, 2012
Sunday Oct 07, 2012
Mark Horton leads our study in Acts and always has very interesting background information pertinent to the Bible study. The early church continues to grow and the apostles pray for boldness.

Tuesday Oct 02, 2012
The Meaning of QE3
Tuesday Oct 02, 2012
Tuesday Oct 02, 2012
What is the meaning of Federal Reserve System Chairman Ben Bernanke's recent announcement of Quantitative Easing 3? It appears it just to be another move to keep the big banks profitable and do little to stimulate the economy. Chuck Carlson analyzes the move by the Fed in the context of the upcoming presidential election.

Sunday Sep 23, 2012
Acts 4: 1-22 (Part 9)
Sunday Sep 23, 2012
Sunday Sep 23, 2012
In this study we learn how the old covenant Israel was not replaced, but completely fulfilled and remade into a perfect bride of Jesus Christ and his kingdom.

Tuesday Sep 11, 2012
Tuesday Sep 11, 2012
To millions of American evangelical Christians, "Who Would Jesus Bomb?" is a $64,000 question. Especially, if they think the question is connected to the state of Israel. In this podcast we discuss an interchange between one of We Hold These Truths' directors and a substitute Sunday school teacher at his Bible believing church. When asked the $64,000 question, the first time, the substitute said that it wasn't covered in the Bible. And, besides, he went on to say that the people of Iran are not "loveable" and want war. This is quite an eyeopening program. For background information on the phenomena of Christian Zionism in evangelical churches throughout America, check out Chuck Carlson's 2001 paper, "Sherry's War:" Part 1 & Part 2. You can see John Hagee calling for a preemptive strike against Iran in our documentary, The Roots of Christian Zionism.

Sunday Sep 09, 2012
Acts 3: 19 - 26 (Part 8)
Sunday Sep 09, 2012
Sunday Sep 09, 2012
Our study leader, Mark Horton unearths some more gems from our study in Acts. Find out about Scofield Reference Bible notes written in 1909 that anticipated the modern state of Israel.

Tuesday Sep 04, 2012
Obama Or Romney: Bankers' Fraternity Choice for Serial Warriors
Tuesday Sep 04, 2012
Tuesday Sep 04, 2012
Chuck Carlson predicts that the bankers will have their way whichever of the two presidential candidates occupies the White House. And, the American people will be the losers, once again.

Sunday Sep 02, 2012
Acts 2: 43 - 3: 18 (Part 7)
Sunday Sep 02, 2012
Sunday Sep 02, 2012
Find out if any of the Old Testament prophesies have been fulfilled spiritually in this lively and interesting Bible study by Mark Horton.

Tuesday Aug 28, 2012
What WHTT Has Learned From Ten Years of Vigils at Christian Zionist Churches
Tuesday Aug 28, 2012
Tuesday Aug 28, 2012
This podcast is a report on our recent and second vigil in Washington, DC at the McLean Bible Church. The numbers were in our favor, two of us to thousands of them, because we had the right messages: Blessed Are The Peacemakers, Choose Life Not War and Who Would Jesus Bomb? Find out why our vigils are not protests and what we have learned after ten years of challenging Christian Zionist churches.

Sunday Aug 26, 2012
Acts 2: 29 - 42 (Part 6)
Sunday Aug 26, 2012
Sunday Aug 26, 2012
Peter proves that the kingdom of God will not be from a physical Israel, but rather, from a spiritual kingdom in heaven.

Tuesday Aug 14, 2012
Tuesday Aug 14, 2012
Prior to a We Hold these Truths vigil at a Christian Zionist church or event, a letter is sent to the pastors to let them know we're coming and why we are coming. In preparation for the second vigil at a Washington, DC, Christian Zionist, mega-church, McLean Bible Church, Chuck Carlson sent a letter to the pastor, Lon Solomon and copied his staff. This is a very insightful look at the disciples of Christian Zionism.